The Alchemy of Dieta

Dieta is an act of personal alchemy, and the practice is deepened and fortified by utilizing the most powerful spagyric extracts available.

Let’s dive in, and learn about how these medicines will enhance your dieta experience.

Alchemy is the art and science of transformation. The classic example of turning lead into gold is a metaphor that exemplifies metaphysical processes within each of us. Through the practice of dieta, a profound experience of shedding occurs wherein a fresh new space is encountered, guided by the wisdom and protection of a plant teacher. One discovers the gold that was in wait all along, through the act of transformation and connection with natural forces.

Spagyria is the therapeutic application of alchemy within the realm of plants, metals, and animals. There are a myriad of extraction methods within the practice of spagryia. Applying the philosophy behind alchemy, spagyrics harness the forces of nature to create medicines that have a profound impact on the development and discovery of the soul.

What is Alchemy?

What are Spagyrics?

The art of spagyria is an alchemical extraction method for a wide array of preparations first devised by the alchemist, Paracelsus. The etymology of the word spagyric is Greek, and generally means to break apart, amplify, and put back together again. In this way, a substance is able to know itself and be expressed in wholeness after a complete death and rebirth process. This is an ancient version of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”: Separation. Initiation. Return.

These are the Building Blocks of a Spagyric Essence

The aromatic body of the plant is found within its essential oil content. These oils are the first thing extracted from the plant via steam distillation on the corresponding planetary day and hour.  This is the most volatile part of the plant, so just like the quick stimulating nature of fire and volatility, the steam distillation of essential oils is the first stage in the lengthy spagyric extraction process. For example, there is no other plant that smells just like rosemary does. The specific odor or essence is an individual characteristic; seen through the lens of alchemy as the mark of the “soul” of the plant. Just as humans each have souls uniquely inhabiting our physical forms while we are here on earth, plants have a similar level of consciousness which is expressed through physiological markers.


After the essential oil has been extracted, what remains—known as the plant mark—is utilized to make a wine. Sugar and yeast are added, and it is left to sit for 8 weeks. When fermentation is complete, the wine is distilled several times for purity. Alcohol can be made from any organic or carbon-based material, so the idea is that the spirit of the plant is captured through the fermentation process. This is understood as the universality of a plant which has been drawn forth, and precisely why alcoholic beverages are often referred to as ‘spirits’. This terminology reminds us of how ancient peoples conceptualized the nature of this powerful force which resides within all living things.

Once the alcohol is strained and distilled, the remaining plant mark is taken and burned down, or calcined. The burnt herb matter is placed in a vessel called a crucible and fired several times, burning off the remaining carbon until eventually all that is left is a fine white ash. Once this has been achieved, distilled water is added to the powder and it is left overnight in order to extract all the water soluble salts. This water is then placed on a heating pad for a few days and slowly evaporated, leaving behind only the plant salts in the end. Finally, the salts are added back into the spagyric essence, providing a potassium/electrolyte-based delivery mechanism for the unique plant esters found in the tincture. This three-part extraction process creates medicine which is far more potent and efficacious than standard herbal medicines.

“Alchemy is really the secret tradition of the redemption of spirit from matter.”

-Terence Mckenna



Essential Oil




Mineral Matrix


Using these medicines helps us to evolve.

Our crucible comes with the assistance of a master plant, and through their guidance we are opened up and jettisoned into a whole new world of healing.

“Plants have the ability to facilitate the healing of our bodies, the clarification of our minds, the opening and strengthening of our hearts, and the evolution of our souls.” -Sajah Popham

Schedule Your Free Dieta Discovery Call Today

Hop on a call with Julia to answer any questions you have, get a full overview of what to expect, and figure out which plant you will be working with.