Harmony of the Sacred Womb

5 DAY RETREAT Jan 20-24, 2025

An enriching retreat to honor our Wombs;  combining various elements of vocal empowerment, indigenous wisdom, and holistic health practices.  You will learn self-care principles for inviting good health to your womb, connect voice and womb through various exercises and songs, meet amazing indigenous healers, and receive treatments for your womb, body, mind and spirit.

Sacred Womb Curriculum

Voice and Womb Connection

Empowering our truth and voice by activating your Womb Song. Vocal exercises, chanting, singing, or other techniques to help you connect with your body and your emotions. No previous singing experience necessary, Shaela Noella creates a safe container for all levels of singers or nonsingers to feel welcome.

Indigenous Healers

Maya Indigenous Healers, and local healers (to Lago Atitlan)  bring their traditional wisdom and practices to the retreat. Each day we will have a new guest speaker/presenter to share with us about their life story, how they found this work, and offer teachings, techniques, or ceremonies that are designed to help you connect with your womb and your own inner wisdom. Most of their second language is Spanish and everything will be translated from Spanish to English, and visa-versa if we have Spanish Speakers. A lovely cultural experience!


The retreat will offer a variety of treatments and therapies to support your physical and emotional well-being. Each participant will receive at least one personal womb massage or healing from one of the healers. This could include massages, sauna (temazcal), energy healing, herbal treatments and other holistic therapies that promote womb health and overall wellness.

Meditation & Ceremonies

Meditation or shamanic journeys or ritual practices and/or a fire ceremony will be woven into the retreat to help you connect with your womb and your voice on a deeper level. Some of these rituals may be inspired by indigenous traditions and can be powerful tools for self-discovery and healing.

Community & Connection

This retreat will provide a supportive and nurturing community of like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey of self-discovery and healing. Building connections with others can be an essential part of the experience.

Temazcal, Herbal Baths and Yoni Steams

At Casa Curativa we are blessed to be able to have ceremony and or healings in the Temazcal , which is a traditional adobe sweat lodge or sauna. There are also outdoor clawfoot bathtubs where we will treat you to an herbal bath, as well as talk about the healing and spiritual properties herbal blessing waters can have. There is also the option to learn about and receive a personalized Yoni Steam ritual.


We will be preparing delicious and nourishing food onsite throughout the retreat, providing an anchor point and a chance to build community for the entire group.

We are able to cater to most food allergies and desires, and will be sending out a form so we know how to do this best for you.

Natural Settings

You will love the environment at Casa Curativa, with lots of medicinal plants growing and magical offerings they have there, like outdoor bath space for herbal baths. If you can please RSVP your accommodations there to make your stay more comfortable and easier to drop into our healing bubble.

Personal Growth & Transformation

The primary goal of such a retreat is to promote personal growth and transformation. Participants will leave with understanding on how to care for their womb health through self-care massage, a deeper connection to their own bodies, a greater sense of inner peace, a renewed sense of purpose, and a connection to their Womb Song.

Meet Your Instructors:

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    Shaela Noella

    A songstress, creatrix, healer, intuitive, plant communicator/folk herbalist will be both organizing and presenting the Harmony of the Sacred Womb Retreat. She is a daughter to an amazing midwife and has been on the path to learn and teach more women about the health and power of their womb and voice.

    Shaela Noella has led a variety of choirs and bands with the names of Las Curanderas, Medicine Weavers, Sister Winds Ensemble, Mystic Choir and Sumati. She is also intuitive and offers a variety of powerful healing sessions. She is also bilingual and will be helping with translations.

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    Lucia Culum

    Lucia Culum is a third-generation Curandera and Shaman.  She uses her strong connection with medicinal plants, incredible intuition and physical touch to help others heal. Lucia works closely with the energy of the womb incorporating many traditional modalities such as abdominal massage m, sacred plant baths and temazcal. Additionally she carries a powerful and unique tradition of lineage healing in connection with the energies of the Nahuales and the sacred fire.

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    Ruth Mendoza Quiacain

    Ruth Mendoza Quiacain, a midwife of the new generation of San Marcos La Laguna, ancestral Mayan abdominal masseuse and healer, has had the opportunity to learn to listen to the womb and the pains of the body through my hands and my "chumilal" that has given me the energy to help our sisters with a lot of love and peace. She works in massage with artisanal ointments and massages in the temazcal with medicinal plants.

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    Rosa Maya Sanchez

    Rosa Maya Sanchez, is a medicine woman from the Andes Colombianos, living at the lake with her partner Rolando, and their beautiful daughter.  She is a Doula with a wisdom of music, practicing  "sobada" abdominal, healing massages, and medicine of the Temazcalli. She carries a lineage passed down to her by her grandmothers.Rosa Maya will be sharing a talk about her life as a medicine woman and the healing practices of the Temazcal.

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    Mary Aline

    Mary Aline is a passionate reproductive health and fertility awareness educator at Cycle Wisdom. She helps individuals align with their bodies through cycle charting and re-education. Mary believes that understanding and celebrating our natural cycles empowers us to achieve vibrant health and well-being. She will be supporting us in the retreat in many ways, with a special emphasis on herbal baths and yoni steams to bless each participant individually.

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    Nana Mimi

    Nana Mimi is a joyful sweet ceremonial woman. Her Grandmother is from the coast of Guatemala, and passed down the tradition of cacao ceremonies to her. Her family continues to grow, harvest and work with Cacao in beautiful ways. She also earned her “bara” to provide fire ceremonies for individuals or groups. Nana Mimi practices abdominal massage, womb healing, works with plants and weaving. She lives in San Juan de Laguna, Lago Atitlan, and is a joy that she will be joining us.

Wanna speak to a human?

We totally understand wanting to connect with someone before making an investment like this. Scheduling is easy with the link below.

Reserve your spot now, space is limited!


Includes all retreat content, at least one womb treatment, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and 5 days of powerful enriching content.

Lodging not included, keep scrolling to book your stay onsite! 

 If accommodations are sold out, don’t worry, there are many Airbnbs close by, yet we prefer if you can stay with us to fully root down and get comfortable with us.  

Book your accommodations at Casa Curativa