Plants & Planets

March 11-17, 2025

Explore the incredible connection human beings can source from the natural world through the understanding of planetary correspondence. Plants hold so much wisdom if we are willing to listen to their unique vibration, and the planets with their myths and archetypes help us to understand the plants in a whole new way.


Plants & Planets Curriculum

Astrology 101

We’ll dive into the rich tradition of Astrology and its coorespondence within Herbalism, learning how the light of nature runs through us in it’s patterning.


Heart Perception

Studying the work of Stephen Buhner, we will learn how to communicate with plants through the language of the heart.


Planetary Coorespondence

In this module, we will learn how the planets correspond not only to the herbs, but also to our bodies.


Spagyric Alchemy

A brief intro to the incredible world of herbal alchemical preparations. . Spagyrics are the beating heart of an ancient healing paradigm currently having a renaissance, and they rely heavily on the understanding of how planetary rulership influences medicines.


Experiential Learning

We will head out into the garden to dream and speak with the plants directly. Drum journeys, plant baths, plant scrubs, temascal sessions, and sharing circles will bring us all closer to the beating heart of herbalism.


Daily Movement Practice

Calling in the spirit and soul of the planets and the plants we will gather to move our bodies and allow these forces to guide us.

Meet Your Facilitators

  • Ashley Mcdonell

    Herbalist, Doula & Natural Builder

  • Julia Bentley

    Owner of Casa Curativa

  • Lindsay Chestnut

    Astro Herbalist & Apothecary Manager

  • Maz Alice

    Origins Oracle

  • Andi Antal

    AstroHerbalist and Foraging w/ Saint Alchemy

Wanna talk to a human?

Let’s hop on a call and connect before you book, scheduling is easy with just a few clicks. See you on the call!

Reserve your spot now, space is limited!



March 11-17

Includes all learning materials, a yummy lunch, and 7 days of non-stop experiential learning.

Check out the links in the section below to book accommodations onsite. This link is for the course only.

Book your accommodations at Casa Curativa